Thursday, June 03, 2004

Our convo on the clothes I want to get him from Hong Kong:

o ika: no gay looking shit
o ika: LOL
starmienite: i want to get you something you LIKE!!!
o ika: ha
starmienite: i just might end up getting you
starmienite: some "work" looking clothes
o ika: that's ur kinda clothes
o ika: i dont want
o ika: 3/4 length tops
starmienite: hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!

Maan, I guess I really do have a "Hollie Style". Must add a little spice to it. I have a hot pink shirt. Will wear that to the Bonfire, that is, if I'm daring enough. Can't find where our BBQ pit is?....look for me!! The One with the Hot Pink Shirt!!

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