Sunday, November 27, 2005

Helen just scared the "bageezus" out of me.

I got a call from her 15 minutes ago. She was watching Channel 7 News. A Greyhound bus was coming home from up north. The driver fell asleep and the bus tilted over, killing 2 people.

One of them was named Martha Alvarez. She was 23 years old. She was 7 months pregnant.
That was the exact profile of our co-worker, Martha Alvarez. She was 23 and 7 months pregnant with twins.

She asked me if the Monterey Park office was open this weekend, meaning, did she have to work on Saturday, so she couldn't have gone out of town? I said no. I started freakin' out, thinking it was our co-worker. I frantically searched online to see if she heard right.

Her name was actually Martha Calderez.

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