Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Yesterday was F-U-N, FUN! I am completely not use to having people I can talk to in class...having people to eat lunch with....having people to walk to the parking structure with! I met some of Amy's friends. Very very nice peeps.
I was kinda intimidated by all my classes at first, but I think I'll be okay. :D Also, good news people, at least for me...I've cut my book costs from $400 to $125!!! *clap cLap claap*

And so, I begin the very boring section of describing to you my classes:..
My psychology professor is pretty easy-going. My favorite chapter is the sex section!! haha...got you. My favorite part is not that part (heh heh), but during that chapter, he'll be showing Sex and the City!! Makes sense. He'll probably be showing a lot of Samantha's theories. TeeHee. It's a lot better than the "Miracle of Life" video we have to watch in my Child Development class. I like AIDEN. And Mr. Big too.

Well, that's it for now, folks!

To D & S
I thought of another con for the car. It goes too fast. ;D
(oh, how that will suck...hahaha)

P.S. "But thanks again JACKASS! And thanks for 'toasting' me the ENYA CD." --> You're vely vely vely welcome.

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