People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers. - Grey's Anatomy
(Because I'm not eloquent enough to say something like that.)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Loser: did you see the lunar eclipse the other day? Loser: it was in the sky Loser: lol Loser: in case you were wondering where it was Loser: you know... the same place as the meteor shower? Me: Smartass.
You do realize that by you posting this, you make yourself look like a loser, right?
It's for everyone to see how mean you are to me.
Everyone who reads this blog knows that already :)
This post was to emphasize that point.
Damon is mean. M-E-A-N.
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