Wednesday, April 06, 2005

(damn. Blogger just erased my entire entry.)

HaPpY BiRtHdAy, LoVe!

Sara & Damon says I need to update. They needs to update too, cause I've read those same posts a bazillion times already. TeeHEE.

Anywhoots, Mondays are my CHDV 430 class, from 4:20 - 8:10. It's one class per week system. For some reason, all the professors are having conferences out-of-town and are canceling classes at different times. I think everyone is getting it mixed, cause we didn't go to class on this past Monday thinking it was cancelled, but it wasn't. Oops. Turns out a few other people thought the same thing. NEXT monday is actually our day off. Then the Monday after that is our first mid-term. Great. We had a short lecture on the first day of the quarter and then the next time we meet, it's the mid-term. We are such boneheads. *Round of applause, pat on the back*

So yesterday, Ba~Boom and I hit up the newly built Hollywood Video on Beverly. Everything in there is 99 cents. New releases, old releases, Friends series, L-Word series (DB, one dollar only.) EVERYTHING. All for one dollah. One dollah a lot of money. You take your dollah and you go to da dollah store, you buy somefing else. (Russel Peters rules.) We raided that place. Between the 2 of us, we rented 10 dvds. Seriously, by the end of the weekend, our ojos are going to be O_O glowing with radiation from all that TV. We watched one yesterday, Le Divorce. It wasn't as good as we tought it would be. Sara thought it was kinda weird and I have to agree. I wanted to watch it cause I am reading the book and I have absolute no clue what is going on. I thought maybe watching the movie first would help, but no. The movie is just as weird as the book.

Okays. Time to get reading on that book I just finished photocopying.
Till then. I'm outtie.

Like a bellybutton.

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